Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/29/2009 - 12:50
Follow the links below to find news articles and resources about low income tax assistance and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Click here for News Archives.
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29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
LITTLE ROCK – With the arrival of February, Arkansans will begin to prepare and file their tax returns. Rather than handle the calculations and paperwork themselves, countless Arkansans will look to tax preparation services for help with their annual obligations.
For many low- and moderate-income Arkansans, federal tax preparation assistance is available for free. Therefore, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel issued this consumer alert today to inform consumers about their options for tax preparation assistance. (read more)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
Advertised as a way for financially-strapped consumers to pocket their federal tax refunds immediately, Refund Anticipation Loans (RALs), Refund Anticipation Checks (RACs), and other similar products are actually high-interest loans with substantial disadvantages. (read the Attorney General's Release)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) at Legal Aid of Arkansas has noticed that a common trend among senior citizens is not knowing when they have an obligation to file taxes. One client told us that he thought that once you “hit retirement age” you are exempt from filing taxes. The purpose of this article is to provide information about common questions that we hear from our senior clients and community members. (read more)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
This list contains 3 types of sites with an explanation at the bottom of those taxpayers who qualify for the services. This is an all-inclusive list of the NWA Creating Financial Stability Coalition's sites (those open to the general public as well as those that are open only for partner's clients). If sites are designated as appointment only, a phone number is provided. Also the days and hours of operation are listed as we know them today; however, this can change as we progress through filing season.
Northwest Arkansas Free Tax Preparation Sites
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
Many across out state could be receive an unexpected gift this Christmas, hundreds even thousands of dollars in unclaimed tax refunds. Most of the refunds are going to Benton County. (read more)
Visit the IRS to learn your status.
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
You can claim a boyfriend or girlfriend as a dependent on your federal income taxes if that person meets the Internal Revenue Service's definition of a "qualifying relative." (read more)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
A child must meet certain requirements to qualify for the EITC. The following charts show the four tests that each child must meet.
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
A lien is a legal claim to some piece of property. Liens come up in a variety of situations. Any property that carries a lien can be forced in to sale by the lender, in order to collect what is owed, if the loan is in default. (read more)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
According to the Internal Revenue Service, an individual who works as an independent contractor or owns a business as a sole proprietor or partner is self-employed. Self-employed individuals have different tax obligations than employees. Since you are no longer an employee, you’ll need to pay your own income and Social Security taxes. (read more)
29 December 2009
3 years 23 weeks
The IRS has a great set of quizzes to walk you through several tax issues. (learn more)